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Williston Lake

If you are in the Mackenzie area (and have a boat) you should check out Williston Lake. It requires a boat and driving down seldom-graded forestry service roads but the climbs look amazing. Be ready to have an adventure!


For all the info you need about this area download this Guide Book by Michelle and Andrew Neis.

Note: This area still being developed and we will try to keep the link updated.

Williston Lake

    Distance from PG: 270km (~4 hr) 

    Nearest Town: Mackenzie, BC

    Boat Distance and time: 20-25km; ~30-60min            (depending on boat) or ~4-6hours by Canoe 

    Height: ~35 meters (depending on water level it can be             longer) Bring 70m rope.

    Type: Mostly Sport, a little Mix (bolts and Gear) 

    Climbs: 40+ routes (5.9 - 5.12+?) Still a new area, so             there is room for more climbs to be developed!